Dean and Chad Beef, Corn, Popcorn & Soybean Producers
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Why do you do business with AgDirect?
Dean – They know what they’re doing – they’re in the business to finance equipment, offer a competitive rate. It’s pretty easy.
What is your philosophy about purchasing equipment?
Chad – We like to buy mostly new equipment, and we like to run that equipment out because we have the ability to work on it and maintain it ourselves. So, we may run a combine for 10 years and we may rebuild it once during that 10 years. But it allows us to use our labor and facilities and gives us a little cheaper cost per acre on that piece of equipment.
Dean -- I think for the last five years we’ve had great interest rates to a point it’s been a good time to buy. Markets are not as good right now, but I think most farmers were able to put some money away and will be able to get through these tougher times.
What is the overall goal for your farm?
Dean – Our goal is to farm and care for the land in the best possible way. We want to continue to improve in efficiency and cost per acre. My hope is that the farm will be here for decades to come. My children and their spouses all work on the farm and I hope one day my grandchildren will as well. It’s a family farm and we hope it always stays that way.
Jeremy H. Grain and Beef Producer
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Gerry W. Grain and Pork Producer
Dave Z. Grain and Beef Producer, Custom Seed Corn Harvester and Custom Sprayer
Jess B. Potato and Wheat Producer
Randy E. Timothy Hay, Grain, Legume and Beef Producer
Jennifer G. Seed Corn and Grain Grower
Chad and Amy Small Grain, Lentil and Bluegrass Growers
Joe, Dwayne and Mark Beef, Crop and Dairy Producers
Garrett M. Corn, Hay, Almond, Tomato, Cucumber & Pumpkin Producer
Al and Ty Drago and Horsch Dealers
Dustin G. Livestock Producer and Part-Owner of Capital Tractor
Ben M. Grain Producer
Mike S. Logger
Dan and Tracy Producer and Equipment Dealer
Ethan and Mark Row Crop Producers
Heath and Kasey Corn, Soybeans and Wheat Producers
Tim C. Alfalfa, Cotton, Corn and Bermuda Grass Producer
Grant C. Alfalfa, Cotton and Row Crop Producer
Steve and Todd Grain Producers, Custom Harvesting, Root Shoot Malting
John and Carla Grain & Beef Producers
John M. Dairy Producer, Renewable Fiber, Inc.
Jason and Jarrod Grain & Beef Producers
Gayle S. Grain & Beef Producer, Shortline Equipment Dealer
Scott V. Hay Producer
Travis H. Grain & Hay Producer
Mark R. Sales Representative, KanEquip
John L. Fertilizer and Seed Sales and Trucking Services
Dennis B. Grain Producer
Jordan S. Sales Representative, McRoberts Red Power